SBM 066 : The Simple Sales Funnel That Brought in 5 Million Dollars with Buck Joffrey

Today’s Guest

Buck Joffrey is an accredited investor and podcaster.

This is the 66th session of Smart Brand Marketing.

This was a mind blowing conversation for me. Buck chose to invest in his podcast. He built up a small audience that is almost equal to the size of his e-mail list. He uses the most basic funnel that I’ve seen and manages to keep them engaged and heavily invest into his opportunities.

What are you waiting for…. press play

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  • Why invest in a podcast?
  • Approach to Podcasting
  • Solid content strategy
  • Structuring episodes
  • Why education first sells
  • A good call to action
  • The beauty of youtube and gmail ads
  • How to start soliciting your listeners
  • How to make webinars work
  • Why simple funnels can work
  • Thoughts on Crypto
  • The curse of entrepreneurship



Earning a lot of Money Online: Where Should You Invest?

Let’s not sugarcoat this. Everyone who has ever ventured online with their own business or brand does so for one purpose: to earn money. After all, money is a prime motivator as to why we do anything and, for some, the only reason why businesses were born or services put up.

But, of course, we are not only here to earn a lot of money but to earn ALL the money that could be possibly earned from our ventures. So this begs the question: where should we go to and enjoy a healthy rate of investment? There’s actually a lot of potential places in the Internet that are considered prime investment opportunities right now.

Podcast: Why Should You Invest on It?

Podcasts are becoming the next big thing in Internet right now and are expected to remain popular well unto the end of the decade. Sure, we have some favorites like The Daily or H3H3’s YouTube podcast but there is a podcast for nearly every notable topic out there.

Basically, podcasts offer a somewhat unique experience as multiple people pitch in as they discuss certain topics which gives listeners a chance to form their own conclusions as to which solutions are the best for their specific problems. It also helps that podcasts do not have to exactly follow a script. So as long people are trading ideas back and forth, you have a decent podcast.

If you are still a bit hesitant to venture into podcasting, here are a few reasons why you should do it now:

  • 1. It’s Easy to Set UpPodcasts might sound like this overly complicated thing to set up, the truth is actually the opposite. A setup for a decent podcast includes:

    a. One or two microphones
    b. Sound mixing/control systems
    c. A good internet connection.

    There are a number of sites out there that offer audio recording equipment for relatively low prices. The point here is that you make sure that you and your guests can, at least, hear what the other saying when discussing things and that your discussion can be picked up by your audience. And that doesn’t involve a lot of money.

  • 2. It’s The Best Place for Long-Form ContentPeople right now are bombarded by short-form content. What are those? Well, they’re anything that provides audiences with short bursts of information from tweets, articles, blogs, and any other content that is limited to 1000 words or 5 minutes and less.

    Podcasts, on the other hand, are designed for long-form content with the shorter podcasts going in between half an hour to an hour and the longer ones a quarter of a day. What this means is that podcasts allow you to display your expertise on a subject matter in a way that won’t be compatible with other formats while also learning new things from your guests. This also helps if your business adopts a long sales cycle as it helps your audience make the decision to convert more quickly.

  • 3. You Can Make Connections with ItMost podcasts adopt an interview-type format which should allow you and your guests to interact with each other and build rapport. Let’s say, for example, that you invited a particularly likeable guest in one of your podcasts that resonated with you and your audience. Not only did you made a friend with a complete stranger, you also learned new things or new perspectives from your interactions with them.

    Aside from guests, podcasts also allow you to establish a relationship with your audience. Believe it or not, people tend to trust brands and businesses more if they get to hear or see the people behind them.

    Some podcasts even have time where they react to comments made by viewers in real time or give shout outs to loyal listeners. Whatever the case, merely acknowledging that someone else is listening to the conversation does help improve your relationship with your target audience.

Is E-Learning Profitable?

The short answer is yes. Think of it this way: regardless of the educational level you have attained or the number of industries you have ventured into, it cannot be denied that you have more knowledge in certain subjects compared to other people and that knowledge can be organized into a learning program that can benefit others.

Provided that your program gets great response from the market, your e-learning program should do earn enough money for you in the long run. However, there are ways that you can improve your earnings here that don’t require a lot of effort or money on your part. They are the following:

  • 1. Set Up a BlogWriting is not exactly needed if you are a e-learning course creator but it does help reusing your content. Here’s how it works: your course will be separated into several modules so as to give your students some sort of means to mark their progress. You can turn the scripts you have for each session into full text-based content and then publish them on a free blog.

    Your blogs can act as an online text book of sorts which acts as a reference for your students to go back to in case they need more elaboration on certain topics. If you have enough of blogs, you can maintain a stable rate of traffic through each of your sites.

  • 2. Sell Your TemplatesTemplates are another easy way that you can increase profit for your e-learning sites. The reason is that your templates can be used as a reference of sorts for other course creators when planning their programs. You can have the template of your program published, including all content that comes with it like images and videos, and you should have a sizeable audience for it.

    Of course, this means that you should not get stingy with your content. Copyright infringement can be a major problem right now but if you haven’t set up a trademark for any of the content you have used for your learning programs, then you should not lose sleep worrying over what other people might do with your templates. If they use it without crediting you, then that’s their problem. The point is that they have to pay for it to use it in the first place.

  • 3. Set up a Learning PortalIf you have more than one learning course under your e-learning platform, it’s best that you give your students an easy method to access them all. This is where a learning portal comes into play and it’s simply a main hub of sorts where your students can be directed to all of your content easily.

    This means that you should have your own website set up for the learning platform but don’t worry. Setting up a website right now is easy right now even if you don’t know jack about coding. There are a number of website tools out there like WordPress that will help you create your own website in a matter of a few hours. Of course, you have to pay for other things like hosting and domain names but, if you know where to find good deals for them, the entire process of setting up your website should not cost you more than $20.00.

    Are these sure fire ways that you can make more money out of your e-learning venture? Not really. It all depends on the quality of the education/training that you offer. Assuming that your programs are doing well in the e-learning market, then these tips should help you increase your profits to a considerable degree.

Cryptocurrency: Should You Invest in it Now?

Cryptocurrencies are the hottest thing in business right now. After all, when currencies like Bitcoin fetch values as high as $20,000.00, you can be sure that everyone is going to try their luck here.

While there are rewards for those who invest here while stakes are high, you just can’t shake off the feeling that somehow, things might just go downhill here pretty fast. There are some risks that you have to take into account before investing and you can be sure that regulation here is still pretty loose.

With that in mind, there are 5 tips that you should keep in mind before you invest here.

  • 1. InvestigateIt’s common sense but you’d be surprised how quickly we often part with our money without even wondering as to where it will go. Before you even start transactions with any cryptocurrency provider, there are several questions you have to ask:
    • Does the provider have any semblance of a business organization? You should at least try to identify who runs the entire business first before you open up communications with them.
    • Where’s the company code? There should be a way for you to review and verify the source code for the cryptocurrency that they offer.
    • What’s the cryptocurrency for? The best investments out there were made for a purpose. It doesn’t matter if it serves something noble or something generic so as long as the company explains to you what kind of opportunities they are taking advantage of or issues that they want to solve with their cryptocurrencies.
    • Where’s the proof? Asking for a proof of concept is standard operating procedure for investors. A proof of concept is often a telltale sign that you can expect for returns from your investment in the future provided, of course, that everything runs smoothly.
  • 2. Always Be RealisticIt’s true that cryptocurrencies have the biggest gains promised right now as some investments offer 1000% increase in ROI within a few short weeks. However, it’s best that you do not base your entire investment plan on these gains.

    Always remembered what happened in the early 1990s when many websites started popping up. Almost all that emerged during that time eventually fell into obscurity, resulting into bad investment grades. Have a safety net before you venture into this market so you have investments to fall back to.

  • 3. Observe Due DiligenceIt goes without saying but you should always treat every cryptocurrency as a high-risk investment. This means that your investment portfolio should only be consisting of somewhere in between 10-20% crypto investments while leaving the rest to be filled up with other diverse investments. This way, your portfolio should have a safety net of sorts and lessen the worst possible risks in case something goes wrong.
  • 4. Always Track PerformanceAlways remember this: cryptocurrencies have yet to be considered as a “proper” investment and, as such, many of the rules in other investments still don’t apply here. As such, you have to track the performance of your investments from its gains to its losses.

    Many people are asking for crypto-investments to start getting regulated which means taxes are about to become a common occurrence here. As such, you would rather not be in a position where you have to be confronted by the IRS (or any similar taxation agency) for some tax-related issues.

  • 5. If Possible, Be Borderline ParanoidSecurity issues like hacks are commonplace when it comes to electronic and online-based markets. Vigilance in cryptocurrencies comes by choosing the best company that can manage your investments.
    Of course, you should always be careful with investment offers that are “too good to be true”. If the gains offered are a bit unrealistic, you can be certain that your investment is not as secured as you want it to be.

To Wrap Things Up

They often say that the Internet is one of the riskiest places to ever put your investments on since not a lot of things here are certain or even consistent. The online market changes at a rate faster than other market which means that no one strategy ever remains effective here.

With that said, you should not be scared off from making your investment decisions here. It only means that you have to take extra care when investing. This way, the worst possible outcomes will give fewer things to worry about.

Have you tried investing in various online markets? What other strategies have you used to increase your profit here? The comments below are open for discussions.





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If you enjoyed this episode you may also love listening to:

Part 1: Buying Back Time

Part 2: Multiple Income Streams

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