When starting out: very little
When scaling: a lot
Let me explain both.
For those starting out
If you don’t have a massive audience and an unproven offer don’t waste your money on pretty sales pages as a funnel is the least of your worries.
You have three levers that need to be tuned
- Targeted traffic
- Entry points
- What sales pathway will make most sense
What you want is a functional sales page/lead magnet etc.. to test entry points (if can’t get substantial traffic or see interest, no point building it out)
*Teaching platforms are slow and have very limited design which in turn kills conversions. Use them for checkouts/hosting courses only. Better tools to use for opt-ins/landing pages.
Flexibility and speed is key.
Then you start testing out the sales path. Maybe a sales page is enough OR you might need a VSL or a bunch of emails. Tons of variables here.
When you ask someone to build a funnel. They make this guess for you. It’s based on fairy dust and whatever they’re used to doing. 90% chance of failure.
For those scaling
Low 6 figures – can be done with one funnel, one social platform and organic traffic.
7 figures – at least 4-5 entry points, remarketing, 2+ platforms.
Past 8 figures – multiple sales paths and advertising platforms are required. Tons of conversion tweaks. Lots of emails (this could be a topic on its own but they sell the most courses).
Whenever you have converting traffic then there are three levers you can pull
- Get more of it
- Have it convert better
- Have them spend more
Traffic first. Sales second. Tweaking conversions third.