62 – How much effort to put into a course funnel?

When starting out: very little

When scaling: a lot

Let me explain both.

For those starting out

If you don’t have a massive audience and an unproven offer don’t waste your money on pretty sales pages as a funnel is the least of your worries.

You have three levers that need to be tuned

  1. Targeted traffic
  2. Entry points
  3. What sales pathway will make most sense 

What you want is a functional sales page/lead magnet etc.. to test entry points (if can’t get substantial traffic or see interest, no point building it out)

*Teaching platforms are slow and have very limited design which in turn kills conversions. Use them for checkouts/hosting courses only. Better tools to use for opt-ins/landing pages. 

Flexibility and speed is key. 

Then you start testing out the sales path. Maybe a sales page is enough OR you might need a VSL or a bunch of emails. Tons of variables here. 

When you ask someone to build a funnel. They make this guess for you. It’s based on fairy dust and whatever they’re used to doing. 90% chance of failure. 

For those scaling

Low 6 figures – can be done with one funnel, one social platform and organic traffic.

7 figures – at least 4-5 entry points, remarketing, 2+ platforms. 

Past 8 figures – multiple sales paths and advertising platforms are required. Tons of conversion tweaks. Lots of emails (this could be a topic on its own but they sell the most courses). 

Whenever you have converting traffic then there are three levers you can pull

  • Get more of it
  • Have it convert better
  • Have them spend more


Traffic first. Sales second. Tweaking conversions third. 

Until next week,


Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Course Marketing ServiceWant an expert to take over or help you with your marketing? Check out what we do, our case studies and book a free consultation

→ wemarketonlinecourses.com

2.The Course Engine: Transform your course into a money-making machine with The Course Engine. It will teach you the system I use to transform average courses into ones that can grow past 7 figures in revenue with my in-person clients. A course without an engine is a commodity that relies only on pricing.

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