Around 20% of our clients use cold outreach to sell courses.
Works best if you are selling courses to professionals for $400+.
Our Process:
- Nail ideal client
- Who they are
- Where they work
- Years of experience
- Location
- Scrape emails
- We use vetted outsourcers for this
- Run Campaigns
- Split test subject lines (want over 60% opens)
- Split test body (want close to 15% replies)
- Sales are made by course creator
We’ve updated our tool kit
- Google domains (purchase throw away domains)
- Cloudways (hosting which is needed for tracking)
- Zoho (new email provider that is currently cold outreach friendly)
- Instantly (to run email campaigns)
All work very well with each other and keeps setup work to minimum.
Additional suggestions
- Short subject lines work best (3-5 words)
- Warm up each email account for 14 days
- 3-5 emails per domain
- Vary headlines using spin text (as this can cause issues with email providers)
- Whenever possible use a case study in body of copy
- If not enough replies, adjust angle and case study (easiest wins)
Real World Results
Two of our recent clients from Q3-Q4 of 2022
Both sold $400 course
Each had around 7000 emails after scraping
Client 1: converted at 1% and made $14k total
Client 2: converted at 5% and made $70k total
They type of offer and your ability to sell matters.