17 Ways To Improve Your Course Sales Page Conversions

Here are 17 Fixes to help your course page convert:


The Fix:

Make the Title count

The Why:

Your Title (H1) is the first (and most prominent) element we see right away. That first line of text is the difference between hooking them and losing them.


The Fix:

What’s inside GIFs are your best friend.

The Why:

Instead of talking about what’s inside, show it. Give us action shots.


The Fix:

Be clear, not clever

The Why:

Those great puns you thought about for your headers? They probably won’t convert well. Keep it super simple.


The Fix:

Build-in social proof into your copy

The Why:

Social proof isn’t just logos. Use it to enhance benefits and outcomes.


The Fix:

Only use imagery that moves the story along.

The Why:

If your course only needs words to describe it, don’t use imagery “just because.” Imagery should enhance the experience.


The Fix:

Make the page fast

The Why:

Speed can make or break the user experience. Use Sitespeedbot to find opportunities for your site.


The Fix:

Proof from real people works

The Why:

Testimonials are good. Testimonials with images are great. Video testimonials are next-level. An incredible way to boost buyer confidence.


The Fix:

Make it about the user.

The Why:

Don’t talk about the brand. Talk about the user. Make the whole page copy and design cater to them.


The Fix:

Clear CTA

The Why:

Limit CTAs to the bare minimum. One action for buyers. One action for the undecided.


The Fix:

Make elements interactive

The Why:

Let them choose their own path. Make it feel as if what you’re selling is built especially for them. Interactive elements work wonders.


The Fix:

Keep the home page focused.

The Why:

Your home page is NOT your “everything” page. You shouldn’t have all features, blogs, white papers, etc. on the home page.


The Fix:

Don’t attempt to win over people with fancy designs.

The Why:

Keep it simple. Extra elements distract from the core purpose. Win conversions not awards. Too many moving parts make it hard to focus.


The Fix:

Create an ideal above the fold (ATF.)

The Why:

Menu, H1, Subheader, Button, and a tiny bit of social proof should all fit above the fold.


The Fix:

CTAs should do exactly what they say.

The Why:

Don’t get cute or clever with button copy. Don’t be vague. Tell people exactly what happens when they click it.


The Fix:

Do not hide pricing.

The Why:

Place it directly on the sales page. Easy to access. Don’t make people waste their time looking for valuable info.


The Fix:

Introduce yourself with a video.

The Why:

People study better if they like the teacher. Give them a quick idea of how you act, speak and put ideas across. When choosing between two courses the more likable teacher wins.


The Fix:

Use clear targeting

The Why:

People should know immediately if the course is for them or is not for them. Trying to speak to everyone convinces no one.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
  1. If you’re still looking for traction in your online course, I’d recommend starting with an affordable guide:

The Course Engine: Transform your course into a money-making machine with The Course Engine. This quick and actionable guide will teach you the system I use to transform average courses into ones that can grow past 7 figures in revenue with my in-person clients.  Join 279+ students here.

  1. Want an expert to take over or help you with your marketing?

Check out what we do, our case studies and book a free consultationwemarketonlinecourses.com


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