43 – Don’t Be Afraid to Change Your Course Offer

Sometimes creating a brilliant strategy requires that you change the way you present things. 

When things aren’t working, change your tactics.

With the recession looming I predict people will have much less success coming out of the gate with $1k+ course offers. 

Unless you have a huge following and clout.

So if you’ve been pushing a course and its not scaling… break it up.

Here’s a path that works really well:

Mini Offer > Flagship Offer > Membership Site > Inner Circle 

Since people who buy one thing from you are more likely to buy another in this email I’ll focus on the mini offer. 

You’re solving one problem (which will lead to more problems solved later)

The goal is to get people in the door and on your list while breaking-even or profiting with cold traffic (the ultimate lead gen).

Btw… I’ve worked with courses doing 7-figures with only a mini offer

The mini offer itself is usually priced at $27-47

Your lever is value adds which come as order bumps and upsells. The back end is where the money is made.

Example breakdown:

  • Mini Offer:     $37
  • Bump Offer 1:    $27
  • Bump Offer 2:    $39
  • Upsell Offer 1:    $97
  • Upsell Offer 2:    $247

Total: $447

In the real world your average revenue per students should fall between $147-197 as long as your bumps and upsells make sense. 

As long as you can keep your acquisition cost of cold traffic under $100-125 you’re printing money. 

Here’s a peak behind the curtains:

One of my clients is running $20-30k in ads per day. 

Gets $25-37.5k per day back

That’s $5-7.5k profits daily

Not bad for a mini offer…

Until next week,


Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Course Marketing ServiceWant an expert to take over or help you with your marketing? Check out what we do, our case studies and book a free consultation

→ wemarketonlinecourses.com

2.The Course Engine: Transform your course into a money-making machine with The Course Engine. It will teach you the system I use to transform average courses into ones that can grow past 7 figures in revenue with my in-person clients. A course without an engine is a commodity that relies only on pricing.

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