14 – 2 lead magnets (and their variations) that drive a 7 figure course biz

Now that we’ve went over “want a winning lead magnet consists of” and “examples in generic niches” I’d like to show you one seven figure business driven by two lead magnets. 

You’ve probably seen or heard of these and did not even realize the game being played. 

Both have all the right elements

-> The ice bath

  • Physical – you feel the cold
  • Mental – pre-framed with health benefits
  • Emotional – some people cry
  • Memorable

-> Wim hoff’s breathing technique (so memorable they attach his name to it)

  • Physical – deep breathing causes lightheadedness
  • Mental – pre-framed with health benefits
  • Emotional – calming effect
  • Memorable 

These drive his entire business. 

If you take a look at his courses. They all build on these. 


He’s a master marketer

  • He repackaged them in videos, books, mini courses etc..
  • Able to present them in 100s of ways
  • When interviewed shows off breathing one without sending you to a lead magnet (he knows you’ll look for more info on him later)
  • Encourages people to hold events doing these together. 
  • He trademarked them as the Wim Hoff Method
  • Broke through in a very competitive/generic niche
  • Makes you feel that you’re not being sold to

I’ve had a couple of emails last week from people that did not quite understand how to incorporate these in their business. 

The reason I’ve been showing these because they are the hardest to pull off.

The harder the niche the more of these elements you need to implement to make yourself memorable. 

“Hey. I’m going to show you how to breathe”

You better have something new for them. 

Smaller niches are easier. All you need is an “aha moment”.


  • Dan Henry – “facebook course”
  • Lead magnet – “how to warm up a pixel”

Newbies heard that its important. He pre-framed it that all the accounts that make money fast have “pre-warmed their pixel” and then showed them how to do this in an easy way.

Mind blown (not really but you have to adjust to your audience). 

So if you’re in another small niche… let’s say Linkedin marketing. 

You should know a few things that others don’t.


Many average marketers are now struggling with connections. Linkedin limited them to 20-30 per day.

Pre-frame that there’s a loop hole only the successful linkedin experts know.

How to upload the list and create a 1000 connections or more per week.


Until next week,


Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
  1. If you’re still looking for traction in your online course, I’d recommend starting with an affordable guide:

The Course Engine: Transform your course into a money-making machine with The Course Engine. This quick and actionable guide will teach you the system I use to transform average courses into ones that can grow past 7 figures in revenue with my in-person clients.  Join 279+ students here.

  1. Want an expert to take over or help you with your marketing?

Check out what we do, our case studies and book a free consultationwemarketonlinecourses.com

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